International Outreach (IOC)

What is the International Outreach Chapter?

The International Outreach Chapter is open to all ACRS members regardless of location.

Want to know more about the International Outreach Chapter? How have Members benefited from being a part of the International Outreach Chapter? View the video below or click to hear from our Members. 

How do I join the International Outreach Chapter?

I am a member of the ACRS

Members can log into the ACRS website and edit your Profile – scroll down until you find the question ‘Would you like to join the IOC?’ and select ‘Yes’. Once added, you will receive all IOC communications and be eligible to attend any IOC event. You can view a PDF of more detailed instructions here.

I am not a member of the ACRS

To take part in the IOC you must be either an Individual or Corporate Member of the ACRS. You can learn about the differences in membership here or contact for more information.

Meet the International Outreach Chapter Committee

Dr Shane Turner

Co-Chair, New Zealand

Dr Masria Mustafa

Co-Chair, Malaysia

Galeboe Motlhajoe

Co-Chair, Botswana

Prof Teresa Senserrick

Treasurer, Australia

Tendekayi Marapara

Committee Member, New Zealand

Auttapone Karndacharuk

Committee Member, Australia

Tevoh Ndingwan

Committee Member, Cameroon

Mubashir Jan

Committee Member, India

Shaun Lennard

Committee Member, Australia

Rusdi Rusli

Committee Member, Malaysia

Sovann Kong

Committee Member, Cambodia

Upcoming events

All events