Policy Principles
These policies underpin the evidence-based methodology that the ACRS works by. These include:
- We should prevent all fatal and serious injury on our roads
- The road traffic system must be made safe for all road users
- System designers should aim to prevent human error and mitigate its consequences
- Life and health are not exchangeable for other benefits in society
- Policy positions must be evidence based
Click here to view the Policy Principles in more detail.
Policy Position Statements
ACRS policy position statements are designed to provide a concise overview of a road safety policy issue, the principles underpinning the ACRS position on that issue, and an evidence base for the recommended policy actions. The suite of policy position statements will grow over time, and each will be reviewed and updated on a 3 yearly cycle to ensure they remain current and relevant.
Australasian Road Safety Conference
The Australasian Road Safety Conference is the region’s biggest road safety conference providing an opportunity to engage, challenge and exchange ideas, discuss key issues, and where delegates share and learn from the experience, opinions and perspectives of sector leaders and their peers. The Conference brings together road safety stakeholders and decision-makers from Australasia and international jurisdictions to facilitate collaboration and information sharing.
Chapter Events
Each Chapter has its own Committee that organises local events, and most Chapters have at least four major events per year in the form of seminars, forums, or workshops. You can find out about Chapter events here, and watch past webinars and seminars here.
The Journal of Road Safety (JRS) is an international, scholarly, cross-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, and open-access journal focused wholly on road safety. The JRS accepts papers from all regions around the world and publishes a diverse range of high-quality papers on road safety from researchers, policymakers, program implementers, and other road safety experts. Our Editorial Board and reviewers ensure the best papers are accepted into the Journal, to provide a rich source of current knowledge, evidence, developments, and best practice to those interested in road safety. You can find out more about the Journal of Road Safety here.
The ACRS is made up of members from across a wide range of disciplines, including road safety officers, academics, transport planners, urban designers, researchers, and engineers; and people who work in health services, emergency departments, local governments, law enforcement agencies, driver training groups, universities, and more. We offer both Individual and Corporate memberships, and you can learn more about the types of memberships on offer by viewing our Membership page.