
The nomination and submission period for the 2024 ACRS Awards has now closed.

The Australasian College of Road Safety Awards celebrate the outstanding projects and people who help save lives and reduce injuries on our roads. Almost all ACRS Awards require nominees to be ACRS members.

The awards are presented at the Australasian Road Safety Conference each year in September.

ACRS Fellowship Award

Pictured above left to right: Senator Anthony Chisholm, Eric Howard AM, Dr Ingrid Johnston, Professor (Em.) Ann Williamson.

This award is recognised as the Australasian road safety community’s highest honour, recognising an individual for their outstanding commitment and effectiveness in their efforts to reduce road trauma. The award recipient is recognised with a citation and plaque.

Award winners must have made contributions that have led to substantial growth and improvement in an important institution or organisation, body of knowledge or aspect of thought and practice associated with road safety. Click here to find out more about the ACRS Fellowship Award.

ACRS Young Leaders Oration Award

Pictured above left to right: Senator Anthony Chisholm, Dr Prasannah Prabhakharan, Liz Waller, Prof. (Em.) Ann Williamson, Dr Ingrid Johnston.

The ACRS Young Leaders Oration Award was first awarded in 2019. Nominations for this award are sought from road safety professionals throughout Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Nominees must be 40 years or younger, must demonstrate active involvement in road safety, must show the potential for future leadership, and must be performing inspiring work. Winners receive a prestigious ACRS trophy in recognition of their work, plus the opportunity to to deliver the Prasannah Prabhakharan Oration at the Australasian Road Safety Conference (ARSC). Click here to find out more about the ACRS Young Leaders Oration Award.

ACRS Women in Road Safety Award

Pictured above left to right: Senator Anthony Chisholm, Assoc. Prof. Sjaan Koppel, Michael Nieuwesteeg, Dr Ingrid Johnston, Prof. (Em.) Ann Williamson.

The Women in Road Safety Award, established in 2022, recognises an individual for their outstanding commitment and effectiveness in their efforts to reduce road trauma. Click here to find out more about the ACRS Women in Road Safety Award.

ACRS Excellence in Road Safety Award

This year (2024) will be the first year for the ACRS Excellence in Road Safety Award. This new award recognises a successful road safety project delivered within Australia or New Zealand. The project will demonstrate a road safety project that has used safe system-aligned thinking to deliver a practical and cost-effective approach to resolve or address a road safety issue. The project will demonstrate innovation and have addressed systematic and societal factors that contribute to road trauma. Click here to find out more about the ACRS Excellence in Road Safety Award.

Pictured above left to right: Senator Anthony Chisholm, Dr Julie Brown, Rudy Crous, Dr Ingrid Johnston, Prof. (Em.) Ann Williamson.
Pictured above left to right: Senator Anthony Chisholm, Brett Williams, Rudy Crous, Dr Ingrid Johnston, Prof. (Em.) Ann Williamson.
Pictured above left to right: Senator Anthony Chisholm, Mathew McQuinn, Rudy Crous, Brett Whitwam, Dr Ingrid Johnston, Prof. (Em.) Ann Williamson.