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The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) has chosen to comply the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act). The ACRS takes privacy very seriously, and this Policy sets out how we collect and handle personal and sensitive information. The ACRS collects personal, sensitive and business information to advocate for its members,

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Corporate Members are eligible to have their organisation listed on this page. Please complete the Our Members Submission Form to opt-in (please note that you must be logged into the website to access this form). Platinum Members Gold Members Silver Members Bronze Members

Seat Belt Enforcement Technology is Welcomed – but Needed Now.

The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS), Australasia’s peak membership association for road safety professionals, strongly supports the NSW Governments decision to use existing infrastructure and technology to enforce seat belt legislation to detect seat belt non-compliance immediately. This follows the Bill introduced by Jenny Aitchison, the NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads. “NSW

Road Corridor Safety Assessments Seminar

Come and hear Peter, Tony and Matthew’s interesting presentations on AusRAP, Catalysing the use of AI for smarter and safer road corridors using AiRAP, and maximising investment returns in mobile LiDAR and road corridor imagery capture. Venue kindly provided by the Department for Infrastructure and Transport, at Sixth floor Seminar Room, 83 Pirie Street, Adelaide,

ACRS VIC Chapter Lunchbox Chat

From Tribunal to Turmoil – Road freight and road safety The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) was supposed to make the road freight industry better and our roads safer. What went wrong? What are the learnings of the Senate Inquiry “Without Trucks Australia Stops?” What do apps like Uber and systems like Amazon Flex have

2017 3M-ACRS Diamond Road Safety Awards Finalists Announced!

In recognition of the gathering momentum to combat road trauma, 26 deserving finalists have been announced to be in the running for this year’s 3M-ACRS Diamond Road Safety Award, the premier road safety award for exemplary groups/projects across the Australasian region.  The award is now entering its 7th year and is recognised as Australasia’s ultimate road

Sunshine Coast Sub-Chapter Seminar and Meeting

The next ACRS Sunshine Coast Sub-Chapter seminar will be held at the University of the Sunshine Coast Sippy Downs campus, room E.2.25 on Wednesday the 5th of July, with a 12pm start in person and 12:30pm start over zoom. Dr Darren Wishart from Griffith University will be presenting their research on the effectiveness of in

ACRS Welcomes New CEO – Dr Ingrid Johnston

The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Ingrid Johnston as its new Chief Executive Officer. Dr Johnston will commence in this role in early May 2021. A passionate advocate for social justice and health, Dr Johnston brings over 20 years of public health policy experience to ACRS.

Australasian College of Road Safety Welcomes New President

The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) is delighted to announce the election of renowned road safety researcher Professor Ann Williamson as President of ACRS, replacing Mr Martin Small who has stepped down from the role after a three-year-term. Professor Williamson is Emeritus Professor at UNSW Sydney and was Director of the Transport and Road

E-Mobility Safety Forum

This event is free for ACRS members and $20 for non-members. Learn more about ACRS Membership here. E-Mobility has emerged as an important road safety topic. The NSW Legislative Council is holding an inquiry into the use of e-scooters, e-bikes, and related mobility options. This forum will help inform the ACRS NSW submission and/or the

ACRS Excellence in Road Safety Award

2024 is the first year for the ACRS Excellence in Road Safety Award. Submissions are sought from road safety professionals, practitioners and/or organisations throughout Australia and New Zealand.  This award has been created to recognise a successful road safety project delivered within Australia or New Zealand. The project submission will demonstrate a road safety project

Announcing a New Name for our Premier Publication + Call for Mentors

A huge thank you to ACRS members, authors, peer-reviewers and readers who have made contributions and supported the growth of Journal of the Australasian College of Road Safety (JACRS). The ACRS’ Journal has evolved over the years but with a continued focus on improving road safety from its birth. In order to reflect our increasingly