Terms and Conditions

1. Introduction 1.1. These Terms of Use (Terms) set out the rules for the use of the Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) Website (https://acrs.org.au). Do not continue to use the Website if you do not agree to these Terms. If you continue to use this Website, you will be taken to have accepted these

Privacy Policy

The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) has chosen to comply the Australian Privacy Principles under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Act). The ACRS takes privacy very seriously, and this Policy sets out how we collect and handle personal and sensitive information. The ACRS collects personal, sensitive and business information to advocate for its members,

Our Members

Corporate Members are eligible to have their organisation listed on this page. Please complete the Our Members Submission Form to opt-in (please note that you must be logged into the website to access this form). Platinum Members Gold Members Silver Members Bronze Members

Seat Belt Enforcement Technology is Welcomed – but Needed Now.

The Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS), Australasia’s peak membership association for road safety professionals, strongly supports the NSW Governments decision to use existing infrastructure and technology to enforce seat belt legislation to detect seat belt non-compliance immediately. This follows the Bill introduced by Jenny Aitchison, the NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads. “NSW

Local Government Network (LGN)

What is the Local Government Network? The Local Government Network (LGN) is made up of ACRS members who want to focus on road safety at the local government level. Click here to download the Local Government Prospectus for more information. Whilst most of the Network members are local government road safety practitioners, ‘passenger’ members from

Women in Road Safety Network (WiRSN)

After the success of the Career Pathways for Women in Road Safety project, the Australasian College of Road Safety has decided to create a permanent Women in Road Safety Network (WiRSN). What is the Women in Road Safety Network? The Women in Road Safety Network (WiRSN) is one of the Australasian College of Road Safety

Early Career Network (ECN)

What is the Early Career Network? The Early Career Network (ECN) welcomes anyone who considers themselves in their early career (from students to those who already have several years of career experience) in either industry or academia. Based on preliminary feedback, this network is likely to provide a Mentorship Program and may also offer some