Please use the below form to request that an email to be sent to ACRS Members. View an example email here.
If you have requested email promotion through the Events Form, you do not need to submit an Email Form.
Audience: This will be the people that the email is sent to and can be specific to a certain Chapter/Network, or include ‘all members’ and/or ‘all non-members’.
Main Title: This will be the main heading of the email and also the Subject Line. This should be no longer than 5 words.
Sub Title: This will be the secondary heading of the email and also the Preview Line. This should be no longer than 10 words.
Text: This will be the body of the email. This should include all relevant information and be formatted the same way you want it to look when the email is sent out. We will do our best to ensure the formatting is kept consistent across all ACRS correspondence which may mean adjusting the layout of the text you submit, but these will be minor adjustments only.
Attachments: Any attachments that are submitted will be included in the email as links. Please ensure the attachments you submit are named correctly as the name of the attachment will become the wording of the link – e.g. “Meeting-Agenda.pdf” will become “Click here to download the Meeting Agenda”.
Complete the ACRS Email Form below
This form is only accessible to ACRS members. Please log into the website to access this form.