The latest issue of the ACRS Journal, out today, looks at communications, media and road safety messages.
On a daily basis, most of us are bombarded by advertising messages – all of which have the potential to exert influence on our attitudes and behaviours, whether we are consciously aware of it or not. In the road safety context, these messages are critical. Given that important road safety messages must compete for our attention with a myriad of other messages being delivered by an ever-increasing number and variety of mediums, it is crucial that road safety messages are effectively designed, targeted and delivered so as to reach their intended audience and fulfil their objectives.
In the age of social media, the method by which such communications are delivered is particularly important; research into the role and efficacy of social media in conveying road safety messages is critical.
The articles in this Special Issue of the ACRS Journal explore a range of topics on the theme, providing insights into road safety mass media campaigns, anti-speeding advertisements, social marketing, mobile phone use, public safety messages on highway variable-message signs and more.
Dr Ioni Lewis, currently based at the Centre for Accident Research and Road Safety Queensland (CARRS-Q) at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), was Guest Editor for this Special Issue of the journal. Dr Lewis has undertaken a decade of research into the role and effectiveness of road safety advertising messages, based within social/psychological frameworks of health behaviour change and persuasion. In sourcing and assembling material for the journal, Dr Lewis says she was guided by two key questions: What do we currently know about the role and effectiveness of advertising? and Where do we go from here?
This Special Issue provides a range of perspectives on these important questions.