The latest issue of the ACRS Journal, published this week, reports on Project RAPTAR (Reduce Accidents, Prevent Tragedy, Activate Resources) – an important and highly successful initiative which brought together concerned members of a rural community in North Queensland who were determined to improve road safety outcomes in their local area.
This outstanding community initiative was the winner of the inaugural 3M-ACRS Diamond Road Safety Award in 2011. The RAPTAR group developed a model which demonstrated what can be achieved when community members work together to reduce trauma, death and injury on our roads. In this issue of the journal, their spokesman, Sergeant Michael Musumeci, describes the aims, methods and outcomes of the project and makes a persuasive case for similar action in other parts of the country.
Other articles in this issue explore a range of topics, including some with a focus on what might be called behavioural adaptations to various enforcement measures, such as those aimed at reducing speed. This issue contains details of recent research into the use of in-vehicle radar detectors and safety warning systems, recidivism in drink drivers, and the use of mobile phones by young drivers.
The ACRS Journal (current and back issues) can be accessed online here.