Congratulations to Mr Iain Cameron who was presented with the prestigious 2014 ACRS Fellowship by the ACRS Patron, the Governor-General of Australia Sir Peter Cosgrove, at Thursday evening’s award ceremony at the Grand Hyatt Melbourne.

The award was presented by the Governor-General in front of more than 250 of Australasia’s foremost road safety professionals and advocates, and is recognition of exemplary contribution being made by an individual to road safety in Australasia.
The College first instituted the award of Fellow in 1991 to enable colleagues and co-workers to nominate someone who is outstanding, by virtue of contributions to road safety rather than position. The contributions must be of such a nature that they have led to substantial growth and improvement in an important institution or organisation, body of knowledge or aspect of thought and practice associated with road safety.
In detailing the award, ACRS President Mr Lauchlan McIntosh AM, said “Iain Cameron has been a leader in road safety management in Western Australia. He was instrumental in what was an innovative approach, the Towards Zero 2008-2020 Road Safety Strategy effectively reducing road trauma. He has been an active professional and an ambassador in developing similar strategies across Australasia and the OECD.”
Mr Cameron has for over 15 years led the Office of Road Safety in Western Australia. He championed the Towards Zero approach which is the focus for the Western Australia’s road safety strategy for 2008-2020. WA was the first State to adopt the Vision Zero approach.
Iain then oversaw the Main Roads WA Road Safety Strategy 2011-2015 “The Road Towards Zero – No more death or serious injury on our roads”. In 2013, compared to baseline 2005-2007, WA has achieved a 19.5% drop in fatalities and a 19% drop in people killed or seriously injured. 161 deaths in 2013 compared with 235 in 2007.
Mr Cameron is a significant contributor as an Independent Director on the Board of the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) and also the WA Road Safety Council, and Chairs the Austroads Safety Taskforce, managing research and policy development for Ministers nationally.
Iain has recently been recognised for his long term international road safety work, accepting the role of Chair of the Organisation for Economic and Co-operation Development’s (OECD) Working Group on Safe System Implementation.
With the award of Fellowship, Iain joins an elite group of eminent road safety professionals who have all been awarded the honour of an ACRS Fellowship.