In the lead up to NSW Local Government elections on 14 September, the Australasian College of Road Safety (ACRS) is calling on candidates and voters to think about road safety.
“Local government has often been at the vanguard of road safety, Mr Michael Timms, ACRS NSW Chapter Chair said.
“This includes successful campaigns for major infrastructure such as highway bypasses which improve safety for travelling motorists and residents alike.
“Sadly, these efforts have sometimes been prompted by the tragic deaths of local residents in road crashes,” Mr Timms said.
ACRS is supportive of local government initiatives to reduce speed limits in the central business districts of regional towns and cities as this improves the safety and amenity for local residents.
“Having the right speed for the right road is particularly important in regional NSW as seven out of every ten road deaths in this state occur outside of metropolitan Sydney,” Mr Timms said.
“Yet only 52% of councils in regional areas participate in the Transport for NSW Local Government Road Safety Program compared to 84% in metro areas*.
“ACRS challenges candidates to outline their positions on local road safety and, if elected, to work in their community to achieve the goal of eliminating deaths and serious injuries from local roads.
*NSW Auditor General Report on Regional Road Safety, 2023, Page 3