WA Chapter Bookclub + Chapter Highlights and Upcoming Events

In-person & Virtual
Injury Matters
297 Vincent Street, Leederville

Join the WA Chapter of the ACRS for this in-person and online event, including Bookclub and a Networking opportunity.


Join the WA Chapter of the ACRS for this in-person and online event.

Injury Matters, 297 Vincent Street, Level 2, Leederville, WA 6007

8am – 9am Bookclub event: At the recent AGM of ACRS, members passed the Speed Management Policy Position Paper. Using the ACRS’s position paper, attendees will have the opportunity to discuss this at a local WA level to share how this paper can influence activity in WA.

9am – 10am Networking opportunity: The WA Chapter committee will be sharing achievements from the previous year at a local and National level and seek input and recommendations from attendees for future activities.