Safer Roads and Speeds for PTWs – Indonesian Challenges


This presentation will discuss some of the safer infrastructure options that have been trialled and are in general use in Indonesia.


Indonesia and many other Asian countries have a high proportion of Powered Two-Wheelers (PTWs). Like other ASEAN countries, a high proportion of fatalities (over 70%) and serious injuries in Indonesia are riders or passengers on PTWs. With Indonesia having recently adopted the safe system approach, the challenge is understanding what improvements need to be made across the safe system pillars to achieve the 2030 target. There is limited knowledge globally on the role of safer roads in reducing PTW deaths and serious injuries, with most of the attention being on safer vehicles and road users. 

So, what role does safer roads (and speeds) play in addressing PTW deaths, especially in LMICs? The relatively limited research internationally in this area tends to focus on high-speed rural crashes, especially in developed countries.  Some aspects like surface condition and barrier design do cross-over to LMICs, but there is little information on how infrastructure can address the two key crash types in Indonesia, being urban head-on and rear-end crashes. 

This presentation will discuss some of the safer infrastructure options that have been trialled and are in general use in Indonesia. This area needs a greater focus if we are to reduce PTW deaths and serious injuries. During the webinar we will discuss what more can be done to advance road safety for PTWs through safer designs.


Tri Tjahjono, University of Indonesia

Dr Tjahjono has over 40 year’s experience specialising in transport safety and highway/traffic engineering. Until recently he was the Chair of the Transportation Section of the Department of Civil and Environment Engineering at the University of Indonesia. Tri has published a large number of research journal and conference papers on road safety. He is a key road safety advisor to many government and non-government organization.  Most recently working with Shane on a KIAT project. 

Shane Turner, Abley Ltd & Adjunct University of Canterbury

Dr Turner is a safe system specialist at Abley with over 30 years’ experience in strategic and applied road safety strategies and studies and road safety research. Shane is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at the University of Canterbury and is on the editorial board of the Transport Research Record (USA). Shane experience includes safety projects in many countries including Indonesia. Shane has provided training and specialists skills in a KIAT aide-funded project (IRAMS-DC) since 2020.