This in-person and online safer speeds event will be run by the RAC and the WA Chapter of the ACRS.
The impact of speed is a major contributor to deaths and serious injuries on WA roads, which is why speed management, including safe speed limits needs to be made a priority for our road network. Recently, RAC has progressed a range of activities and initiatives with our members, the community, government and other stakeholders.
RAC will present on three projects relating to speed, followed by an afternoon tea and networking.
1pm – 2:30pm Presentations:
- Identifying and analysing countermeasures to accelerate KSI reduction in WA
- Testing messages to build community support for speed limit reduction
- Safer Speeds Trial with the City of Busselton and Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
2:30pm – 3pm Afternoon tea
RSVP by Wednesday the 19th of July 2023 to confirm your registration to the Safer Speeds Event.