You are cordially invited to a road safety forum which will showcase some of the exciting projects that have been funded by the ACT Road Safety Fund.
The event will take place from 1:30 to 4:30 on Tuesday 21 March 2023 in Room 022, Ground Floor, 480 Northbourne Avenue, Dickson ACT.
We will hear from recipients of grants from the ACT Road Safety Fund and get a chance to see the highlights of their projects. There will also be opportunities for attendees to ask questions, network and share their thoughts on road safety in the ACT. To maximise these opportunities, the forum will be a face-to-face event and we ask all attendees to take the necessary COVID precautions.
We will be limiting numbers so please register early to secure your place.
The ACT Road Safety Forum is an important event for anyone who is interested in making our roads safer for all users. It will also be valuable for road safety researchers and practitioners who are considering applying for a grant in the next ACT Road Safety Grants funding round. Whether you are a road safety advocate, a member of the local community, or simply someone who is passionate about making a positive change, we would love to see you there. Please feel free to pass on this invitation to others who may be interested.
The event is being organised by the ACT Chapter of the Australasian College of Road Safety.