With ¾ of NSW road deaths occurring outside of the Sydney metropolitan area, ACRS NSW Chapter is holding road safety forums in regional NSW. The forums are open to people who work or study in road safety, academia, emergency services as well as interested members of the community with an interest in reducing road trauma.
The arrival time for the Wagga Wagga forum is 5pm for a 5:30pm start. The event will feature short presentations from representatives from ACRS-NSW Chapter, NSW Driver Trainers Association, and Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga Campus.
Following the presentations, there will be an opportunity to network and ask questions about road safety. Light refreshments (non-alcoholic) and canapes will be served.
ACRS Regional Road Safety Forums have been made possible thanks to Transport for NSW Community Road Safety Grant funding.
These events help ACRS formulate road safety positions and strategy, so join us on the road Towards Zero.