The collaborative development of the Construction Logistics and Community Safety – Australia (CLOCS-A) Standard and supporting tools by the National Road Safety Partnership Program (NRSPP) is now complete. The CLOCS-A program has been handed over to Charted Institute for Logistics and Transport Australia (CILTA) to be operationalised.
CLOCS-A is a national voluntary Standard developed with the primary aim of better managing potential hazards created by the road transport and logistics activities associated with large construction projects. The Standard has been collaboratively developed by representatives from industry, government, researchers and community associations. The aim of CLOCS-A is to reduce the risk of road trauma involving construction vehicles whilst improving the efficiency and productivity of logistics.
This webinar will briefly touch on the origins and process undertaken to develop CLOCS-A, what the operationalisation of it will entail, when it is proposed to be launched, and what it means and the benefits to industry.
The webinar will include Jerome Carslake, Director of NRSPP and Chair of CLOCS-A Steering Group; Karyn Welsh CEO of CILTA and CLOCS-A operational lead; and to provide an industry perspective, Matthew Moon of Acciona who is a CLOCS-A Steering Group Member and a tier one construction company.
This webinar is free to ACRS members and $20 for non-members. To become a member of the ACRS, please visit the website:
CLOCS-A Speakers

Jerome Carslake is the Program Director of the NRSPP, which provides free networking, support, and education, and convenes working groups centred around key workplace road safety risks.

Karyn Welsh is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport, and was previously the CEO for Go-Freight and Product Manager of Australia Post’s corProcure division.

Matthew Moon is the WHS Manager at Acciona, which works extensively in construction in large infrastructure projects both globally and in Australia.